AMERICAN MADE - film / by Stephanie Puls


Tom Cruise action films are, I confess, not usually cup of tea but I always go in with an open mind to try to produce a fair assessment.

And you know what? I enjoyed this more than I expected to! It's a crime drama (amusing at times) based on a true story and Cruise plays US pilot Barry Seal who gets recruited to smuggle drugs and then subsequently recruited to provide intel to the government. I won't bother with the details here but if you are interested in the full story, there's a summary here.

I don't think this one will win any awards or challenge your world view but it's light good fun. It's probably a good one for partners who have different tastes to meet in the middle and enjoy if you're looking for such a thing. My one criticism is that at almost two hours, this film is about 20 minutes too long.

Here's a three star review from The Guardian which I reckon is bang on. When I asked the friend I saw it with what she'd give it out of five she said six. I asked her if she was drunk and she said she wasn't but that she did in fact mean three out of five. We're all in agreement.

Trailer here. In cinemas now.