ALI'S WEDDING - film / by Stephanie Puls


Based on a true story, Ali's Wedding is an Australian romantic comedy and it's pretty charming.

Ali is in year 12, studying to try to get into medical school. He's desperately trying to please his father, played by Don Hany, who is a charismatic and respected Muslim cleric. His family are trying to find him a bride but he falls for someone who is not considered an appropriate match.

It's a classic coming-of-age kind of tale that's light and easy to watch. It's not 5 stars good, but it's 3-3.5 stars good.

Since I saw it I have discovered that Andrew Knight is one of the writers on it and that totally stacks up. If you don't know who Knight is, he is one of the men behind some brilliant Australian TV shows such as Fast Forward, SeaChange and Jack Irish.

Here's a 3.5 star review on if you would like to know more about the film.

Trailer here. In cinemas 31 August.