PATTI CAKE$ - film / by Stephanie Puls


Patti Cake$ is an American film with a young Aussie in the lead role. Danielle Macdonald plays aspiring young rapper Patricia Dombrowski, also known as Killa-P, Dumbo and eventually Patti Cake$.

I loved this film. Patricia's story is a crappy one. A drunk mum (played brilliantly by Bridget Everett, who long-term readers may recall did a stand-up show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival a couple of years ago that shocked the hell out of me), no dad on the scene and an ill grandmother whose treatment is putting huge financial stress on the family. Life is tough and she's working numerous jobs to try to make ends meet for the family.

She can "spit" (I think that's what people far cooler than me call rapping but contact me via Myspace or on my pager if that's incorrect) like a pro and has a dream of making it big. The fun and odd crew that are along for the ride help make this film, but it's really all about Patricia and to a lesser extent her mum.

For me, I didn't necessarily want Patricia to WIN, I just wanted her to have some bloody HOPE for a change. I was really invested in what happens to her. No spoilers here but whilst it's not a soppy happy ending, I reckon they give us enough hope to be happy. It put a nice spring in my step!

Here's a four-star review in the Herald Sun (with Danielle Macdonald's name spelt incorrectly throughout at the time of publishing this blog) and another four-star review in The Guardian if you want to read more. Get yourselves along to this one, you'll find it in your more arthousy cinemas. Highly recommend!

Trailer here. In cinemas 14 September.