EMMA - film / by Stephanie Puls


I’m reminded of my recent blog about the new version of Little Women, in which I quoted a friend who asked me if we really needed another version of Little Women, to which I said HECK YES or something equally erudite.

So do we really need another version of Emma? Based on this one, nope.

This film is not bad but it’s boring. Well I was bored. Like, real bored. At the one hour mark (of a two hour film) I looked at my watch and thought, oh no, we’re only half way. And then what felt like an age later I looked at my watch again and somehow we were still only half way… because when I had looked at my watch 10 minutes earlier we had in fact only been at the 50 minute mark and I HAD ROUNDED UP TO SAVE MY TINY MIND.

Anyway, a slight break from usual programming here (if you want to know about plot, cast etc just Google it okaaaaay?!) … but that is my #cuttothechase on Emma.

Here’s a three star review but in the interests of fairness I feel compelled to tell you that it’s receiving even more generous reviews too.

Emma is in cinemas now. Trailer here.