MILITARY WIVES - film / by Stephanie Puls


This UK comedy drama based on a true story is pleasant enough but ultimately a bit ho hum.

Military Wives is about a group of women whose partners are serving with the military in Afghanistan and the film is a genuinely an interesting insight into the unique challenges they face. Many are raising children on their own and not working which seems to leave them socially and intellectually challenged. To cut to the chase, this prompts them to start a choir and the choir is selected to perform at a military event at Royal Albert Hall.

As you might expect they’re a diverse bunch of women with, in many cases, not much in common other than their partners’ jobs and the choir. Kristin Scott Thomas is excellent as the uptight, annoying but actually very kind and slightly traumatised (surprise!) wife of the head honcho soldier.

Whilst not really funny enough to be called a comedy, there is some laughs in this and oh boy is there some cries. (I know that doesn’t technically make sense but I also know that you know what I mean so perhaps you could humour me on this one?!) The crying thing is actually interesting because despite the fact that at around the half way point of this two hour film I looked at my watch and thought, oh boy, another whole hour to go, I really did cry a lot at the heartwarming ending to this film.

Anywaaaayyy, I guess I’m saying that whilst this isn’t a bad film, it’s also not one I can suggest you rush out for. One for when it pops up on Netflix, perhaps.

Here’s a three star review from The Guardian if you’d like to read more.

Military Wives is in cinemas from 12 March and is rated M. Trailer here.