DARK WATERS - film / by Stephanie Puls


Based on real events, Dark Waters is an American dramatic thriller starring Mark Ruffalo as lawyer Rob Bilott, who turns from bad-guy-defender to bad-guy-bringer-downer-er.*

Apart from being a bit too long for my liking and a bit too dark, literally, I really enjoyed this film a lot.

Ruffalo is great (Ruffalo is a fun name… say it aloud!) and though it’s a smaller role than we’re used to seeing her in, Anne Hathaway is also very good as his wife. She must watch as he gets dragged deeper and deeper into trying to prosecute big chemical company DuPont for doing dodgy stuff with their chemicals which appear to be killing animals and humans.

Rob Bilott fights the good fight but not in that hot-shot Hollywood lawyer way, more in a realistic, downtrodden suburban lawyer kinda way. It’s compelling.

Dark Waters is well worth a look. Check out this four star review in The Guardian if you’d like to read more.

It’s in cinemas from 5 March, rated M and runs 127 minutes. Trailer here.

*WELL HOW WOULD YOU HAVE PUNCTUATED THAT, SMARTY-PANTS?! It’s not even proper actual words so even if I cared for rules they would not apply!