WIDE OPEN SKY - film / by Stephanie Puls

This Aussie doco is about a children's choir in a remote regional area corner of Australia.

It is so beautiful! Honestly, I laughed and cried and really enjoyed this. The project leader and choir master Michelle is an incredible woman who hits the road each year to audition kids in isolated areas, most of them in families where money is tight including some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. They eventually come together for a choir camp and concert which is just so uplifting.

There's loads of passionate and interesting kids involved but to mention just one, we have Mack from Lightning Ridge who loves to dance and sing unlike most of the other boys at school who love to play rugby. At one point, reflecting on his experience in the choir, Mack says something like "You think you've got to lie to have friends but the choir means you can connect with other people like you"... cue tears!

The choir is obviously hugely significant for these kids and it made me so happy that opportunities like this exist for these kids and that I had the opportunity to enjoy this story.

In cinemas from 14 April. (Limited release, look for it at arthouse joints.) Trailer here.