WHERE TO INVADE NEXT - film / by Stephanie Puls

The latest doco from Michael Moore (the man behind films such as Farenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine), this film looks at a bunch of different issues such as work, education, social equality and more.

Moore travels to numerous countries to look at what they do well and how it compares to USA. (The overall tone being, 'there's lots of stuff we do poorly back home') It paints an interesting picture and certainly one that reveals the US to not be quite the paradise some think it to be. For example, it opens with an interview with two Italians who outline their holiday and salary entitlements & it's unbelievable how generous it is! He tells them that there is no legislated holidays for US workers and they are horrified. In fact, I suspect they don't believe him.

The things other countries are doing are interesting in some cases but I'll be totally honest - I actually fell asleep briefly in this film! I'd like to be able to mount a defense of it and say I do that all the time and it was unrelated to the content but that would be a lie. I never fall asleep in cinemas! And I hadn't had a particularly long day. This film is too long and too woe-is-us for me. Not without any joy, but not something I'd suggest you rush out and see.

A 3.5 star review in the Fairfax press here. In cinemas 7 April. Trailer here.