THE HOUSE - film / by Stephanie Puls

The House is a US comedy starring legends Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler, who I rate highly. With two big names like this, I wanted to love this but my hopes were tempered considerably by many grim reviews.

Ferrell and Poehler are a cash-strapped husband and wife who wind up partners in a clandestine casino with a mate. Everything that happens in their quest to make enough cash to send their vanilla daughter to college is just silly, as you might expect. Ultimately I do agree with the reviewers - this film is pretty ordinary - but to be fair, there is a few good chuckles.

In a funny coincidence, there's a little sequence of laughs related to the 1995 film Casino which I happened to watch for the first time a week ago because my colleague Nick was so horrified I hadn't seen it that a copy of it appeared on my desk the very next day!

I definitely wouldn't recommend you rush out and see this at the cinema but if it pops up on the telly or the like, it's harmless enough to pass the time away.

If you want to know more about the film, here's a proper verdict from Fairfax that gives it 1.5 stars and a rather more generous one from News Ltd where it scores 3 stars.

Trailer here. In cinemas now.