TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT - film / by Stephanie Puls

I've thought a lot about what to say about this one. It's funny really, given that is completely at odds with how much I care about this film.

Here's my emphatic declaration to you, dear readers. Transformers: The Last Knight is really, really not my cup of tea so you'll need to read this through that lens.

It's just a pile of silly nonsense. Like... stupid, dumb, nonsense.

On the plus side (YES I FOUND ONE FOR YOU!), Mark Wahlberg and Josh Duhamel are in it so at least there's something nice to look at, for those of us that way inclined.

I'm actually not even going to attempt to tell you anything about the 'storyline' (a generous description) because it's just so not relevant. If ridiculous action films are your cup of tea and you don't care about the storyline, well I guess this might be your thing. If that sounds bad to you then you know full well you need to give this one a wide berth.

Leigh Paatsch from News Ltd gave it 1 star (OUCH) and ever so slightly better was Jake Wilson's 2 star review for Fairfax.

In cinemas now. Trailer here.