Wil Anderson "Wilegal" - MICF / by Stephanie Puls


This is a guy who is at the top of his game. Wilegal is hilarious!

Wil Anderson's show this year fills in the gaps between the bits and pieces we heard through the media about him getting arrested following an 'incident' on a plane to Wagga Wagga. I knew that was the bones of the show but I confess I wondered how it would fill a whole hour. (More, as it turns out - good value show!)

The answer is that Wil masterfully weaves the details of the incidents through other stories and tangents about pets, family and KFC to name a few. His material about injuries and getting older was sadly right in my hitting zone! Honestly, this show is a charming masterclass in storytelling that just delivers laugh after laugh after laugh.

The only downside for me was absolutely nothing to do with Wil - some pretty poor crowd behaviour. Seriously, if you're at a show just be quiet and don't use your phone, it's not that hard!

There's a reason Wil fills big theatres doing stand-up, is on our TVs and radios and has a huge following for his four (!) podcasts (my fav here) and Wilegal showcases it beautifully. Go and see this show if you just want to sit back and let someone in complete control take you on a hilarious ride!

His shows typically sell out I think so get onto this one quickly. The Festival runs 28 March - 22 April. Details here.