Joel Creasey "Blonde Bombshell" - MICF / by Stephanie Puls


If you have even a passing knowledge of Joel Creasey, I reckon this show will live up to your expectations. He's cutting, unkind a times and very, very funny.

He draws material from his career in showbiz, giving insights into life behind the scenes of the Mardi Gras (he co-hosted SBS's coverage) where he met Cher - his impersonation of her is hilarious. I have no idea if it's accurate, but it's hilarious! There's also some great material based on his trip to Kiev to co-host the Australian coverage of Eurovision with Myf Warhurst which draws plenty of laughs.

Former stars of Australian Idol don't escape his attention and they provide plenty of fodder, that's for sure. There's the low-hanging fruit presented by Paulini but there's others who have gotten up to stuff I had no idea about and it's pure gold in Joel's capable hands. From a little further up the showbiz chain, Nicole Kidman also gets a quick swipe that made me laugh way louder than anyone else in the crowd, embarrassingly!

Joel weaves funny interactions he has with haters on social media throughout the show to great effect. He knows he's delivered some brutal zingers so why not recycle them here for a fresh, live audience? Clever.

So if you like your comedy with loud (literally - they have the mic on the 'deafen' setting, I think), cutting pizzazz, Joel's your guy.

Get the details on his shows during the Melbourne International Comedy Festival here. It runs 28 March - 22 April.