THE BIKERIDERS - film / by Stephanie Puls

I’m sorry to say that I found The Bikeriders - a story of the rise and fall of a motorbike club in America’s north west in the 1960s and ‘70s starring Austin Butler, Jodie Comer and Tom Hardy - really quite boring.

The one hour mark was when I started to get restless and think, good lord is this actually going anywhere?! And I don’t think I was alone because a steady stream of people at the full house screening I was at started to go out and in (presumably to the loo) of the cinema from that point too.

There wasn’t a significant enough crescendo in the story for me - it felt like it would go somewhere interesting and never really did. Jodie Comer’s excellent performance is the best thing it has going for it.

It’d be about 2 stars for me though my friend liked it a little better and said it'd be 3 from her. In fairness to the film, the critics seem to like it a little more than us - eg 4 stars from The Guardian and 4 stars from The Standard.

If it’s hard for you to get to the movies so you don’t do it often, give this one a miss I reckon.

The Bikeriders opens Thursday 4 July, is rated M and runs 116 minutes.