INSIDE OUT 2 / by Stephanie Puls

This is so fun! Is it perfect? Nup? Is it worth seeing anyway? Yep!

Inside Out 2 is a sequel following the first Pixar Inside Out which came out about 10 years ago. You don’t need to have seen the first one though I dare say there’s a bit of extra joy in the sequel if you have.

Riley - our main protagonist - is on the verge of puberty and her feelings and emotions are now even more complicated. Joy (voiced by Amy Pohler), Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust are now joined by Anxiety, Envy, Fear, Embarrassment and Ennui. (Ennui being boredom in French, and she brings the lols to this one.)

Riley’s off to hockey camp and has a fairly typical friend drama for a girl that age. Lured by cool kids, will she abandon her old loyal friends and how will all the emotions handle it?!

It’s ideal for kids aged, say, 11-13, but there’s something in it for everyone I reckon. I went with a 17 and 20 year old and they both liked it, the 20 year old a little more than then 17 year old. Maybe distance from puberty and school girl dramas makes it easier to enjoy. (#armchairpsychology)

INSIDE OUT 2 runs for 1 hour 36 minutes and is rated PG. Trailer here.