THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS - film / by Stephanie Puls

A Hollywood love story based on a best-selling novel! The two lead actors fell in love during filming! Based on an Australian story by an Australian author, filmed in Australia! On paper there's a lot to love!

Alas... I thought this was a bit dull. There were times where it felt a bit soap opera-ish unfortunately.

Tom (Michael Fassbender) and Isabel (Alicia Vikander) fall in love and wind up living together on a remote island off the coast of Western Australia where Tom is the lighthouse keeper. The isolation of course becomes a problem but they are delighted when Isabel becomes pregnant. Things don't go to plan with the pregnancy but all is not lost when it comes to their dream of being parents. I won't say more on that for fear of spoiling. It's certainly an interesting twist!

But unfortunately despite the twist and the complexities of what unfolds, I just never bought into the characters and their situation enough to really care about what happened to them. In a group of, say, 30 people I saw this with, I only noticed one wipe away tears and let me tell you, this film is designed to be a tear-jerker!

I didn't hate this but I certainly didn't love it and can't say I'd suggest rushing out to see it. Maybe on DVD/digital for a girls night or something of that nature.

Here's a two star review from Rolling Stone magazine that I'm down with. In the interests of balance, it's also received this four star review in The Guardian but that's way too generous if you ask me.

Trailer here. In cinemas 3 November.