NOCTURNAL ANIMALS - film / by Stephanie Puls

Despite the fact it's a poor reflection on me I confess that the fact this film is directed by a famous fashion designer, Tom Ford, meant my expectations were fairly low. (He has directed at least one other film but I haven't seen it.)

Why did I think a fashion designer wouldn't be a good director? Look, I don't know. I'm an idiot.

You know what, this film is fantastic. It's a psychological thriller and by crikey it's gripping!

It contains two stories, I guess you could say. Amy Adams plays the lead, Susan Morrow, so one story is hers, but she's reading a novel sent to her by her ex-husband and the plot of the novel also unfolds as the second story in the film. That novel is a (violet) thriller in itself. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Susan's ex-husband but is also in the novel storyline. IT'S A BIT HARD TO EXPLAIN YOU GUYS JUST GO WITH ME.

Michael Shannon is also in it and is perfect in the role of cranky cop. You might recognise his face but perhaps not his name. He's been in a few films I've seen lately & I'm a fan.

Obviously being a thriller I don't want to tell you too much about the plot but I'll say this much... the film is intense. Don't go and see if it you want some toe tapper designed to leave you on cloud nine!  

If you want to read more, check out this five star review in The Guardian. I loved this film, but perhaps not quite five stars for me, for what it's worth. Not all of the reviews are as glowing as the one in The Guardian but it's generally very positive.

HOOK UP FOR MELBOURNE READERS - Broadsheet are doing a preview at Palace Kino on 9 November & are giving away tickets. Check it out here.

Trailer here. In cinemas 10 November.