A MONTH OF SUNDAYS - film / by Stephanie Puls


Regular readers of this blog will know that it pains me to sink the boots into an Australian film. But alas, here we are.

A Month Of Sundays stars Anthony LaPaglia as a sad and grumpy real estate agent in Adelaide.

You know what happens when you watch someone be sad and grumpy for 109 minutes? You get sad and grumpy.

Even the glorious Julia Blake, whose face you will recognise from every second film and TV show in Australia in the last forty years, can't save this. She, like LaPaglia, is of course a brilliant actor, but her character just brings more SAD! Giggles from John Clarke's character and warmth from Justine Clarke's also weren't enough to help.

I suspect it's a film that intellectual types will happily deconstruct as they sit in their Carlton townhouses eating goats curd and Maggie Beer quince paste, but I don't think this film has mainstream appeal. I'm sure it has merit in some ways, but I just didn't enjoy watching it.

Neither did the bloke near me in the cinema who said at the end, "That was pretty dull. I could have been watching AFL 360!"

It pains me to say this of a local film, but I just didn't enjoy it enough to recommend you hand over a lobster to see it.

Two stars from The Guardian Australia here & that's in keeping with what I reckon.

Trailer here. In cinemas 28 April.