FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS - film / by Stephanie Puls

Starring Meryl Streep in the title role, Florence Foster Jenkins is the story of a wealthy American woman who dreams of being an opera singer, and indeed is an opera singer, despite having a very ordinary voice.

I didn't realise until the end of this film that it's actually based on a true story. I can see why someone saw fit to take the story to film... it's charming and funny!

It also stars Hugh Grant as her husband (more to this than meets the eye, of course) and Simon Helberg who many will know for his long-term role as Howard Wolowitz in TV's The Big Bang Theory. (Don't pretend you haven't seen any TBBT, you big ol' comedy snob!) His comic chops are well utilised here as he plays her pianist who fears damaging his reputation by working with her but is lured by the regular coin.

Though not five-star-amazing, this is three-stars-good-fun for mine, so check it out if you're looking for something to catch at the cinema.

More on the story in this three star review in The Guardian.

In cinemas Thursday 5 May. Trailer here.