LOVE, SIMON - film / by Stephanie Puls


Love, Simon is based on a young adult novel but if you're a not-so-young* adult, do not let that put you off. This film is so great!

17 year old Simon is grappling with the fact he's gay. He doesn't know who to tell or how to tell them but in an online school forum he and another male student who hasn't told anyone he is gay either chat anonymously about their shared experiences. It's way more charming than I have made that sound! I won't spoil the plot and frankly you don't need to know any more anyway.

Simon's family are pretty lovely and well-adjusted. Mum (Jennifer Garner) is a sympathetic psychologist and Dad (Josh Duhamel... HOT as hell*) is a bit rough around the edges but generally a kind father. They both give great performances and so does Tony Hale, the slightly unhinged deputy principal of Simon's school. He brings the LOLZ which won't surprise you if you're familiar with his other work such as Veep and Arrested Development.

I literally laughed and cried when I watched this film. It's completely charming and lovely and I would very happily recommend it for anyone from teenagers to, well, dead I guess. Enjoy!

In cinemas 29 March. Trailer here.

* You know you're getting old when you're getting your feathers up over the DAD in the film. (And I saw this film and had this realisation on the same day a younger colleague told me she wouldn't know the tune of You're The Voice by John Farnham! Might as well start shopping for coffins at Costco!)