GAME NIGHT - film / by Stephanie Puls

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I'm up for any film with Jason Bateman at the helm. Hello, Game Night!

Bateman is middle class nice guy Max, with Rachel McAdams as his wife Annie. The recently married couple host regular game nights with their friends and occasional attendee Brooks, Max's successful brother played by Kyle Chandler.

Brooks makes an appearance at game night, announcing that he wants them to do a special real life adventure game night like a murder mystery party on steroids where 'you don't know what's real and what's not'. Winner takes his new beautiful red Corvette.

I won't go into detail of the madness that ensues (think home invasions, car chases, guns etc) but there was certainly some good laughs. In my case I was reminded of the power of seeing a film with a crowd - there weren't many people in my session and they weren't laughing much so I was very self-conscious when I did which probably made me laugh less than I otherwise would have.

For me personally, it's not a film I'd rush out for at $21 a pop but definitely one you could happily watch with a partner or friends at home on a lazy Saturday night.

It's had some complimentary reviews to be fair - three stars (about what I'd give it) from Leigh Paatsch from News Ltd and four from Sandra Hall from Fairfax.

Game Night is in cinemas now. Trailer here.