MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL - various shows PART 2 / by Cut to the chase

Josh Thomas in Douchebag - Saw this off the back of Josh's TV show 'Please like me' which I really enjoyed. Thought I'd give his stand-up a go and I enjoyed this show. It jumped to and from a bunch of different topics but I don't mind that style. As long as the comedian is delivering good laughs, I can go with it. I've heard people mock Josh's (made up) accent but I generally find it pretty endearing. The exception to this though is that in a couple of places in the show I literally could not understand what he said! I heard mutterings along the lines from others around me so I wasn't the only one. The Herald Sun only gave it 2.5 stars which I think is a bit harsh, more like 3.5 or so for me.

Greg Fleet in The Boy Who Cried Sober - Greg Fleet has been doing stand-up for so long that I decided this was the time to finally go and see his work for the first time. He is a masterful story teller and has beautiful diction but I have to say, just not enough big laughs in this for me. I enjoyed the experience of listening to the show but didn't laugh as much as I hoped or expected. I wonder what people who've seen a lot of his work would make of it, whether perhaps being sober after so many years of performing under the influence has taken the edge off? The Herald Sun has given the show four stars so maybe it's just that my expectations were too high. It's more like a 2.5 or 3 stars for me.

Wil Anderson in Goodwil - One of the best stand-up shows I've seen. There's a reason this guy gets all the gigs; he's superb. The laughs just kept coming and coming. Go and see this show, especially if you don't get the chance to see much comedy, as there's just no chance you'll be disappointed. Five stars from the Herald Sun and I agree.