MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL - various shows PART 3 / by Cut to the chase

Lessons with Luis in Famoucity! - Got my first dud of the Festival! I was baffled by this show and hardly laughed at all. To be fair, the woman next to me was cacking herself so something in it for some obviously, but nothing in it for me. It's an unusual style, check it out here if you want to make up your own mind whether it's for you. The person who posted this video to YouTube agrees with me if their caption on it is anything to go by!

David O'Doherty in Sieze the David O'Doherty (Carpe DO'Diem) - New favourite show of the Festival! I've seen David every year for the last 4 or 5 years I think it is now and there's a reason I keep coming back. Love, love, loved this show. Consistently laughed throughout, his style is just an absolute delight to watch. I enjoyed this even more than Wil Anderson which is interesting since the Herald Sun's reviewers gave Wil 5 stars and David 3.5 - a reminder that it's horses for courses with such things. Interestingly, I saw this show with two of the friends I also saw Wil with and they both preferred David's show too. The Herald Sun review of David's show notes the absence of narrative running through it and that's true but you know what, he made me cack myself again and again, more than any show I've seen so far, and that's why I go and see shows at the Festival.