I can't remember the last time I saw a film at the cinema twice. I don't know I ever have. Until this week. I loved the Aussie film Wish You Were Here so much that I decided to go back for a second viewing. It was partly motivated by the fact that the film builds to such a crescendo that to take in all the intricacies of the last 15 minutes or so, I wanted to see it again. But that's not to say you need to see it twice, I'm confident you're much smarter than me.
The story is complex but relatable - most of us have taken some dumb risks or acted like a bit of a douche in a foreign country. That's a simplistic take on what the film is based on, but still, as I say, a relatable theme. The performances are great, Joel Edgerton excellent as always and newbie (to me, anyway), Felicity Price as the leading woman was just terrific. She also co-wrote the film, just to make me love her even more.
Finally, this film is proof that you can tell a compelling and intricate story that engrosses you in an hour and a half. There's no need for films to be longer than that!
Watch the trailer but more importantly, go and see the film. I can't imagine anyone not appreciating it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVw1f43xF2M