Melbourne International Comedy Festival - various shows part 2 / by Cut to the chase

I saw Judith Lucy's show on Monday night, my favourite of the Festival. I have a soft spot for Judith, she's probably my favourite Australian comedian, but truly this show is gold. The laughs just come at you constantly and she somehow even turned a punch line ruined by a dud microphone into something hilarious. Warning, lots of audience participation for folks in the front row. One of my cousins I went with enjoyed it but wasn't quite as convinced as me because she 'doesn't like sexual comedy'. Judith's not afraid of working blue, certainly a fair but of that but all very funny.

Last night, in what I think will be my last night attending the Festival, was an interesting one. Saw Kate McLennan who was given a 4.5 star review in the Herald Sun (like Judith Lucy) and Geraldine Hickey who was given 3 by the same publication (different reviewer, a favourite of mine). Kate was up first in front of an audience of about 25. Intimate, you might say, especially on tight-ar5e Tuesday. I enjoyed the show, the story, the journey she took us on yada yada, but to be frank I didn’t actually laugh out loud that much. I trotted off to Geraldine next mainly because the time and location suited after Kate’s show. I had no expectations or interest beyond having heard her a few times on a favourite old radio show (Get This on Triple M, 2007-2009 approx). Her room was even smaller than Kate’s and had about 20 in the audience. Despite some of the material being a bit, umm, graphic, I really did laugh out loud quite a lot, as did most of the crowd. Her style is very droll which I guess does appeal to me personally but the whole room did seem to be cacking themselves a lot, certainly a lot more than in Kate’s show.

The juxtaposition of the two shows reminded me that a) comedy is so very subjective and b) expectations or lack thereof can be a huge factor.

I’m totes insightful, right?

The Festival finishes this Sunday. For (insert name of figure you worship)’s sake, go see something.