WONDER WHEEL - film / by Stephanie Puls

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Wonder Wheel is directed by Woody Allen and is pretty tedious.

Set in the 1950s in New York, it centres around a family living above an amusement park in New York. Kate Winslet plays the lead, bored and anxious Ginny, with Jim Belushi as her gruff husband Humpty. Local lifeguard Mickey, played by Justin Timberlake, enters Ginny's life and they start an affair. Her firebug son is a mildly interesting distraction in the story. Then Humpty's daughter, who is being chased by mobsters, arrives in town and gets the hots for Mickey... blah blah blah.

If you love Woody Allen's style and can get past the fact he's an alleged child abuser, then perhaps you'll like this but I just found it very tough going.

The lead character Ginny is so deeply anxious that it's actually unpleasant to watch. I couldn't find a clip of it online but if you happen to recall the The Late Show sketch in which radio & TV host/writer/comedian Tony Martin impersonates Woody Allen himself, you can imagine Ginny in this film. It's so painful that it's like a comedy parody. It's kind of that, meets Mrs Bennett from the BBC production of Pride & Prejudice in a weird way.

So my advice to you is to give this one a miss unless you happen to be in that very small group of people who are so committed to Woody Allen's 'art' that you'll love anything he does.

Rolling Stone has given it three stars which I think is very generous. Put me down for Team New York Times, which declared it one of Woody's "more unfortunate contributions to cinema".

Wonder Wheel opens in cinemas on Thursday 7 December. Trailer here.