DOWNSIZING - film / by Stephanie Puls


The upcoming holiday season is when movie distributors release their biggest and best and Downsizing is part of that cohort.

The film stars Matt Damon and Kristin Wiig* as Paul and Audrey Safranek, a couple who decide to abandon their financially stressed lives for a truly unique experience when scientists discover how to shrink humans to manage population growth.

The idea is that regular people can choose to be shrunk down and live in a new miniature world, where their money is worth much more meaning they can live far more comfortably. But of course it's not all beer and skittles - as in all societies, some people inevitably get left behind as things change. This film is easily spoil-able so I won't say much more about the plot.

Downsizing is long at 135 minutes and in the last third or so I did really feel that. I reckon it labours a few points that could have been a bit sharper but that's my only criticism. Otherwise I think this is an excellent film that makes you think a little but in an interesting, rather than off-putting way.

Four stars from The Telegraph UK and I reckon that's bang on.

Trailer here. (Well worth a watch in this case to help understand this unusual story concept!) In cinemas Boxing Day.

*SPOILER ALERT - if you're a Wiig fan you maaaaay not get what you're looking for in this film!