THE REVENANT - film / by Stephanie Puls

Based on the experiences of 19th-Century fur-trapper (Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass) and adapted from a Michael Punke novel about him, this thriller western is attracting a lot of positive reviews and awards. I'm talking Best Drama Motion Picture, Best Actor in a Drama Motion Picture for Leonardo, Best Director for Alejandro González Iñárritu and a bunch of Oscar nominations so, y'know, people are clearly into it. But I confess that even though it is in so many respects an excellent film, I found it gruelling to watch and bordering on pretentious.

So my personal take on this one is that if your taste skews a little toward the pretentious (time for some honest self reflection here, you guys), then you'll dig this. But if you like more of a, say, mindless rom com, then this isn't for you.

At about the hour and a half mark of this two and a half hour film I was so tense I actually thought to myself, 'I'm not sure I can take another hour of this'! Now, for some of you that will be the sign of an excellent film but I just found the whole thing a bit stressful! As my friend said at the end, "that wasn't a pleasant experience".

There can be no denying Leonardo DiCaprio is amazing in this and the supporting cast including Tom Hardy are also excellent.

In the interests of fairness I present this five star review in The Guardian but for me it's more along the lines of this three star review in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Trailer here. In cinemas now.