SUFFRAGETTE - film / by Stephanie Puls

Suffragette is a film based in London in 1912 about female activists, known as Suffragettes, who were fighting for women to have the right to vote.

Carey Mulligan as Maud demonstrates the considerable price women fighting for this paid. I won't spoil it but she is at first a reluctant suffragette but comes to be a force to be reckoned with, inspired by the movement's hero and leader Emmeline Pankhurst (Meryl Streep) who appears fairly briefly in the film. Helena Bonham Carter is great, as usual, as one of the movement's leaders.

The critics are a little divided on this one. I mean, few hated it, but there are those that loved it and those who though it was just ok, I guess you could say. For example, a four star review here from The Telegraph UK and a less glowing review here from Variety magazine.

I thought this film was good, though perhaps not amazing. It made me overwhelming grateful, though. The rights and freedoms I have as a woman in 2016 came at a price for many women before me. I hope lots of women who don't know about the history of this issue, and those who could do with a reminder, see this one.

Trailer here.