LION - film / by Stephanie Puls

This film is based on the true biographical story of Indian Australian, Saroo Brierley. It is a brilliant film that I absolutely loved. My favourite film in ages.

Saroo was born in India and through a sad chain of events was separated from his family. He winds up at an orphanage and subsequently adopted, along with another Indian boy, by Australian couple Sue and John, played in the film by Nicole Kidman and David Wenham. Saroo then goes to incredible lengths to try to reconnect with his family, despite having very little to go on to help find them.

There are so many twists and turns in this story and I wouldn't dare spoil them but I will say this - if this story were written by a Hollywood script writer you probably wouldn't buy it. I was lucky to attend a preview screening of this film at which the real Saroo (now in his 30s) and Sue spoke and answered questions. I was struck by the fact they said that in the making of the film, they insisted the film makers stuck pretty faithfully to the true story and some of it is a bit grim. But ultimately this story will make your heart soar. Truly, it's so great that I just can't recommend it highly enough. It was nominated for Best Picture (drama) at the Golden Globes as well as bunch of other awards and deservedly so.

Have a listen to this quick babble from me on the film... (For now I have a one-take policy on these audio recordings but for what it's worth, I'll try to say "umm" less in future!)

Hearty thanks to The Sun Theatre in Yarraville, Melbourne, for having me along to the preview. It was so great to hear from Saroo and Sue as well as see the film in such a beautiful setting.

Trailer here. In cinemas Thursday 19 January 2017. Do take some tissues!