MONSTER TRUCKS - film / by Stephanie Puls

Monster Trucks is a live action/animated film for kids and unfortunately I was unable to attend the preview. Happily my friends Mel and Jamie were able to take their kids Alannah and James along and give us their verdict from the perspective of kids and parents. Thanks, guys!

Here's what Mel had to say:

"Tripp, a high school senior, is tired of the life and the town he was born into. With no way out of town, he starts to build a monster truck out of scrapped cars from the local wrecking yard he works at. After an accident at a local oil-drilling site, a creature is unearthed that might just be they key to getting him out of town. That is the synopsis in a nutshell, there is another storyline kind of playing out, but it is all about Creech, the strange creature that suddenly appears.

I must admit, I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. Given the title, I was not quite sure what to expect, however there was lots of action, a bit of humour and even a touch of romance. It wouldn't be a movie I would go and see myself but I think it's a great movie to see with children. Both of mine loved the action and though Creech was cute."

And here's what six year old James had to say:

It hasn't received any glowing reviews that I can find but here is Film Ink's not-terrible-but-not-brilliant review if you'd like to read more.

Big thank you to Mel, Jamie, James and Alannah for covering this one!

Trailer here. Opens in cinemas on Thursday 12 January.