EYE IN THE SKY - film / by Stephanie Puls

Starring Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman (vale) in his last film, Eye In The Sky is a UK drama/thriller.

Mirren and Rickman (both excellent... surprise!) are high ranking members of the military working on a drone strike on terrorists in Kenya. It's fascinating watching how they weigh up the many factors that circulate a very delicate situation. I know, I know, it's fiction... but I'm going to assume there's some realism about it!

And when I say delicate, it's really, really delicate for reasons I won't give spoilers on!

I really, really liked this film and would happily recommend it, especially for people looking for a film that doesn't skew strongly to females or males. It's a general crowd-pleaser I think, though not a particularly cheerful one.

A four star review in The Guardian here, if you want to know more.

Trailer here. In cinemas from 24 March.