THE SECRET RIVER - theatre / by Stephanie Puls

The Secret River is a Sydney Theatre Company production currently on in Melbourne.

Adapted for the stage from the book of the same name by Australian author Kate Grenville, this is the story of a convict and his family arriving in NSW from London in the early 1800s and the ensuing clash with the local Aboriginal community over the land.

It is incredible & you should beg, borrow or steal to get yourself a ticket.

I cannot do justice to how well done this is. I laughed, cried and was incredibly moved. Same goes for the rest of the theatre full of people I think, as evidenced by the standing ovation. It also gave me a better insight into this time in Australia's history than anything I've ever read or seen.

The performances are all excellent, including from the children in the cast, and a special mention to the incredible musician who does a lot with a little on stage to provide a haunting soundtrack. There were moments that made the hair on my arms stand on end, not least the final act of the 2 hours and 50 minute performance.

It's only on 10-19 March in Melbourne so get in quickly & try to get a ticket.

For more details on the story & this production, check out this five star review in The Age and this five star review in the Herald Sun. Yes, two five star reviews. It's not cheap (my ticket was $108) but if you can afford it, don't miss this!