PORK PIE - film / by Stephanie Puls

Pork Pie is a New Zealand comedy which bodes well as far as I'm concerned because anything funny is at least 15% funnier when delivered with that glorious NZ accent.

It's a remake of a 1981 film Goodbye Pork Pie which I haven't seen. You haven't either, have you?

Anyway, it's what you might call a 'road comedy' where a couple of guys Jon and Luke (Dean O'Gorman and James Rolleston who you will recognise if you have seen Boy) are thrown together in unlikely circumstances and wind up escaping various troubles on a road trip, eventually joined by a young woman Kiera (Australian Ashleigh Cummings).

I was enjoying it at first, finding it quite charming but it does get very silly. Like, hard to go with kind of silly. Ultimately I didn't dislike it but I can't honestly recommend you rush out and spend a lobster on seeing it.

I saw it with a friend and her verdict is as follows: "Strong open, some funny moments but not strong enough Kiwi accents to carry it. The three main characters were all good actors but the story just didn't mesh. It was a good reminder of how beautiful NZ is, though." I concur.

New Ltd film critic Leigh Paatsch enjoyed it a bit more than us, giving it three stars. Read his thoughts for more on the film if you're keen.

Trailer here. In cinemas now.