JUST MERCY - film / by Stephanie Puls


Just Mercy is a drama that tells the true story of Walter McMillan (Jamie Foxx), an African American man who is in jail for a murder conviction he is fighting with the help of an idealistic Harvard law graduate, Bryan Stevenson (Michael B Jordan).

Stevenson has moved to Alabama to help black people on death row. The racism they face is so blatant that it’s painful.

I gather McMillan’s story is quite well known but confess I knew nothing about it. I won’t spoil the ending in case you don’t either but Stevenson proves a formidable opponent along with his colleague, legal administrator, Eva Ansley (Brie Larson).

It wouldn’t be quite right to say I enjoyed this film because despite it being very good, it was a bit difficult to watch at times. But if you’re open to a little discomfort interspersed through a good, inspiring film then this one is for you.

Foxx and Jordan are both very, very good in this and for those who are interested in such things, Jordan can be seen without a shirt briefly in the film. Sadly it’s not a cheerful moment in the film - far from it - but take a win when you can, I guess. (Yes, yes, I’m a terrible person who is bound to be struck by lightning at any moment, I know.)

My one criticism of this film is that it does feel a bit paint-by-numbers. I can live with that but it does mean there was never any edge-of-your-seat moments. Here’s a four star review from the Fairfax press and a slightly less generous three star review from The Guardian if you’d like to read more.

Just Mercy is in cinemas now. It’s rated M and runs for 137 minutes. (137 minutes is too long, even for a good film. Please stop doing this, film makers.) Trailer here.