PHANTOM THREAD - film / by Stephanie Puls


What a pretentious, boring snooze-fest. I mean, sure, it's nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars but what would the Academy know?!

You know how sometimes everyone seems to love something and you just don't get it? That's me and Phantom Thread.

This is a drama set in the London fashion world in the 1950s. Daniel Day Lewis (supposedly in his last role ever) plays renowned dressmaker Reynolds Woodcock. He's a very complex person. The kind of person I suspect fashion-types would think is a creative genius but that normal* people like me think is an insufferable wanker.

Reynolds meets an unassuming young woman Alma who becomes his muse/assistant/model and they wind up in a deeply messed up relationship. I mean, what man doesn't dream of a lover who would poison him to the point he's so sick he needs her but doesn't die? Twice!

I really can't summon the interest to say much more about the film but in the interests of fairness, I'll offer this... the buddy I saw it with liked it, saying she'd give it 3.5-4 stars. She loved the soundtrack and cinematography and I have to agree with the latter, representing about the only compliment I can offer. Phantom Thread is visually beautiful. Here's a five star review in The Guardian if you'd like to read more, of a slightly different tone.

Trailer here. In cinemas Thursday 1 February.

*debatable, sure.