CAPTAIN FANTASTIC - film / by Stephanie Puls

This is a tricky film to 'cut to the chase' on. It's complex. I'll try!

We have Viggo Mortensen playing a father of six, Ben Cash. Ben and his (absent) wife have chosen to raise their children in the wilderness, away from the extravagance of the modern world.

At times I was thinking, 'wow, how admirable' and other times I was thinking 'stop being so cruel and get your kids into the real world so they don't grow up as freaks'... well played, director Matt Ross.

Captain Fantastic is a comedy/drama (shout out to the cranky-pants critic who literally told people in the media screening of this film to "shut up" when they laughed!) and I saw it described as akin to Little Miss Sunshine, a film I absolutely love. The same cannot be said for this film. It's just so damn pretentious. Not terrible, but just not something I particularly rate and certainly not something I'd suggest you book a babysitter for for your occasional night out at considerable expense! Maybe one for when it's out on DVD/digital.

Heads up for Viggo fans - he appears fully naked at one stage. Yessss.

Here's a review in the LA Times with which I agree and here's a more glowing one from the Sydney Morning Herald.

Trailer here. In cinemas Thursday 8 September.