This show, “Babycino”, is Natalie’s fifth solo stand-up comedy show and it’s a really funny look at her experiences as a waitress. You know how people can be real jerks? She’s seen it all and turned it into some gold.
There was about 15 people in the audience when I saw Natalie and I was struck by what a natural she is on stage and how she deserves to be playing much bigger rooms.
The waitress material was good but it was her material about video stores that really killed and the stuff about dating apps was solid despite it being well-worn territory. It all would have benefited from more people in the room to bring the laughs to life.
Natalie knew her material really well and the show went by quickly which is always a sign that you’ve been engaged.
For me this is probably a 3.5 star show and worth the pretty cheap ticket price.