MISSION IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT - film / by Stephanie Puls

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Mission Impossible - Fallout and indeed all of its MI predecessors and the whole action genre in general is not really my cup of tea. But you know what? I enjoyed this in spite of myself!

I mean, sure, like most action films, the plot was utterly implausible and often predictable but the action was so good that it was easy enough to look past it. I'm talking car and motorbike chases, martial arts and even a helicopter chase. They all had me pretty engrossed! This film is two and a half hours long but it doesn't feel it - I didn't look at my watch once.

Tom Cruise is of course back as special agent Ethan Hunt and despite the fact the guy is a complete kook, he continues to deliver. Others back from previous MI films include Simon Pegg, Michelle Monaghan and Alec Baldwin who I love. They're joined by faces new to the MI franchise such as Henry Cavill and Vanessa Kirby (who gives good villain) who many will recognise as Princess Margaret from the TV show The Crown.

I'm actually not even going to tell you about the plot - it's not important. The thing is, there's been so many Mission Impossible films before this one that you know if they're your thing. If they're your thing, I reckon you'll love this and if, like me, they're not your thing, it's actually pretty good fun so by all means give it a go.

If you do want to know more about the plot, read this three star review in The Guardian which I reckon is fair.