CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? - film / by Stephanie Puls


So you see the picture of Melissa McCarthy above and think this is a comedy, yes? Think again! McCarthy takes a turn in a dramatic role (albeit slightly comedic dramatic role) for Can You Ever Forgive Me? and nails it.

McCarthy plays author Lee Israel in this film based on Israel’s memoir of the same name. The film tells the story of Israel’s life following her success writing a number of biographies of famous women including Estee Lauder. The success has dried up and Israel is short on money and bankable ideas and is struggling with alcoholism and the fact her publisher won’t return her calls.

Scrambling for cash to pay her overdue rent, Israel sells a letter she received from Katharine Hepburn and before long is forging letters by actors and writers and selling them to make some coin. She enlists the help of her new friend Jack (Richard E Grant), who has some secrets of his own, when the authorities start closing in on her.

McCarthy and Grant are both glorious in this. McCarthy for the understated way she brings dour Israel to life and Grant for the fun charm he so often brings to the big screen. They’ve been nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Globes for their trouble and I think both are in with a good shot at the win.

Here’s a four star review from if you’d like to know more about the film. I concur with the four stars, for what it’s worth.

Can You Ever Forgive Me? is rated M and showing in cinemas now. Trailer here.