THE BELIER FAMILY - film / by Stephanie Puls


This subtitled French film is part comedy, part drama, part musical, about a family of four where the parents and son are all deaf and have come to rely on their daughter/sister Paula to help them navigate the challenges they face.

Quite by accident, 16 year old Paula discovers she has a beautiful singing voice which of course her family cannot enjoy in the way most can. You don't need to know much more than that. Just know that I absolutely loved this film and it's getting universally positive reviews. I laughed, cried, and walked out with a spring in my step!

There's a lot of excellent films out at this time of year but none of them will make you feel as good as this one will. It's been out in Australia for quite a while but the positive reviews and word-of-mouth mean there's still quite a few session times. (Don't drag your feet, though.) It's only at arthouse cinemas though; you won't find this one on at your local Hoyts!

Note: If in reading this you have thought either "I don't like subtitled films" or "I don't like musicals", get over it and see this anyway!

Here's a four star review in the Sydney Morning Herald if you want more on the story or just reinforcement that this is a wonderful film.

Trailer here.