DAVID BRENT: LIFE ON THE ROAD - film / by Stephanie Puls

In this film, UK comic Ricky Gervais brings back his well-known character from the TV series The Office, David Brent. David is still a salesman but now he's trying to live his dream of being the lead singer of a band.

I'm sad to report that 'David Brent: Life on the road' is nowhere near as enjoyable as The Office was. I wanted it to be. I SO wanted it to be.

Fellow fans of the TV series will know what I mean when I say the show was both hilarious and excruciating. With the film, imagine taking out some of the hilariousness, taking out the characters you love (Gareth, Dawn, Tim etc) and watching five or six episodes in a row. Thumbs down.

The first third or so of the film is when it's at its best with some good laugh out loud moments but it wears very thin as David hits the road with his band (read - session musicians he's paying a fortune to help live his dream) to go on tour (read - do a handful of gigs in pubs and clubs not all that far from home).

It's getting mixed reviews - one star from The Age vs three and a half in the Herald Sun and the friend I took to the preview, who also loved the TV show, said she'd give it four stars. Now, I love her dearly, but that's bonkers.

Trailer here. In cinemas now.