POOR THINGS - film / by Stephanie Puls

This film is absolutely bonkers and you should absolutely see it! I loved it!

I noticed the Wikipedia entry for the film describes it as “science fantasy black comedy” which I share because I think it gives you a sense of how hard it is to categorise it as one thing. It’s definitely funny and darkly so and I wouldn’t call it science fiction per se so I get why ‘science’ made the cut without the fiction bit and it’s definitely fantasy!

I’ve thought a lot about whether to to try to fill you in on the plot but a) the plot and concept are sufficiently nuts as to make it almost impossible to cut to the chase and b) I think there’s joy in going in blind to Poor Things.

Emma Stone will win Best Actress at all the awards ceremonies for this, mark my words. She’s spectacular in the lead as Bella Baxter, a quirky AF role.

This film isn’t for everyone but if you have an open mind and enjoy things that are a bit brain bendy then I highly recommend Poor Things.

If you do want more details - I get it, I get it - read this review in Variety which is very positive and explains the premise and plot of the film, which is written by Aussie Tony McNamara.

Poor Things opens 26 December, is rated MA15+ and runs for 141 minutes. (A smidge too long in my view but it’s good so you’ll survive, just as I did.)