An update / by Stephanie Puls

It’s been eight months since I saw a film in a cinema and blogged about it thanks to COVID. (A first world problem of the highest order in these times, I know.) For reasons I won’t bore you with I haven’t had the chance to miss it but recently I have contemplated the future of this blog and how I spend my time.

I have decided to change my approach so I’ll be seeing fewer things and posting here less frequently. I won’t be seeing films, theatre or comedy that I’m reliably informed are rubbish anymore and I won’t knowingly see things that profit misogynists, anti-Semites, racists or abusers. Without wishing to bore you with the details of how the sausage is made, deciding I won’t see the mediocre (or worse) stuff might mean I stop getting invited to see the good stuff.

So from now on I’ll just see what interests me if and when I want to (on my own dime, if the invites dry up) and I’ll post on here if I think something is great and you might like to hear about it.

I started this blog because I was frustrated by pretentious film reviews or reviews that seemed to go on and on about the plot without cutting to the chase to answer, is it any good?! I still think there could be more light-hearted takes on the arts but happily they are available more and more.

Changing my approach has allowed me to make my Twitter and Instagram accounts private which is helpful in my professional life. I’ve also ditched hundreds of junk followers and have closed the blog Facebook page.

So I’ll post here from time to time in future when life starts to return to normal and I can get out and see things, just for fun. Hopefully catch you online then!