WHITNEY - film / by Stephanie Puls


I really enjoyed this documentary about singer & actress Whitney Houston. Well, as much as you can enjoy the story of someone on a path to sad self-destruction.

I suspect I'm at the younger end of audience spectrum for this one. I am, afterall, very young indeed. This film made me realise that I know the lyrics to many of her hit songs (How will I know, I wanna dance with somebody, Greatest love of all, I will always love you etc), I guess because even though I wasn't consciously a big fan, they were part of the soundtrack to my childhood. I mean, what's a spin on your roller skates around the Roller Rink without one of her bangers blaring?!

I did know she married Bobby Brown and tragically died from drug abuse but nothing much of what filled the significant gaps around those things. This doco interviews loads of people (almost too many to keep up with to be honest - I mean, her first manager's son?!) to paint a fullsome picture of a woman with incredible talent who couldn't stay on a clean path to enjoy it, or at least live it fully and happily. And if you think her life started to go off the rails when she hooked up with Bobby, think again. There's some real pieces of work in her family who took advantage of her terribly, well before he came along.

As I hadn't followed her story in much depth as it actually unfolded, I was unsure as I watched this if things that seemed revelatory were so just for me or for everyone. Turns out in some cases it was for everyone.

I think if you have a passing clue who she was (eg spun around the Roller Rink with one of her songs in the background) through to being a fan who followed her story closely, you'll find this documentary a really terrific watch. One of the many interview subjects said that when she was young she was encouraged to create legacy music not fad music and this film shows that she lived up to that.

At this risk of sounding curmudgeonly, could I just ask that you keep the singing for the car on the way home if you feel inclined to sing along? Everyone's there to hear Whitney, not you!

Whitney opens 26 July and is rated M. Trailer here.