A GHOST STORY - film / by Stephanie Puls

My favourite thing about A Ghost Story, a supernatural drama starring Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara, is that it's only 87 minutes long.


This film is a pretentious dud if you ask me but to be fair, it's getting positive reviews from more learned critics than me.

Mara and Affleck are a married couple. We are never told their names because that would be far too common! Affleck dies and returns as a ghost. Not just any ghost, a bloke covered in a sheet with eye holes cut out. Picture a bad Halloween costume on a 10 year old and you get the idea.

He haunts the home they shared long after Mara leaves. New family moves in, Ghosty McGhostface watches them live a mundane life from under his sheet. House is bulldozed and replaced with an office building & Ghosty McGhostface watches people go about office life from under his sheet. You get the idea.

The film thinks it's very clever and to give it credit, lots of critics agree. But I'm just a simple bogan from the suburbs and I didn't enjoy this film at all.

If you'd like to read a positive review to get the flip side to my own view, check out this four star review in The Guardian.

Trailer here. In cinemas Thursday 27 July.