STAR TREK BEYOND - film / by Stephanie Puls

I reckon if you're reading this you'll probably fall into one of two categories. There's the "so what's this Star Trek business all about?" camp (me). Then there's the "I love Star Trek and know lots and lots about it" camp (my friend Jo).

So here's a little from each of us, to cater to you appropriately.

First up, Star Trek fan Jo reports as follows:

With a great ensemble cast, amazing space sequences, some funny in-humour, interesting new characters and a bit of philosophy thrown in, my verdict would have to be a solid 4 to 4.5! Excellent balance of new and old, classic original references and new traditions. Bit sad knowing that Anton (Chekov) is gone too soon and Leonard (old Spock) gone after a long successful career. If you’re a fan, you’ll enjoy it, if not it might change your mind.

And from me, who knows NOTHING about Star Trek:

I enjoyed this more than I expected to! Sure, there was plenty that was lost on me (as evidenced by the crowd cacking themselves laughing at some things that I did not understand at all), and I can't honestly say I'd recommend paying $20+ to see it in the cinema, but I wasn't as bored and confused as I expected to be. There was plenty of action to keep me entertained. If you are going to see it, make it 3D on a big screen for the full impact of the effects.

If you want to know more about the film, check out this 3.5 star review from News Ltd I'm down with.

Trailer here. In cinemas now.