GET OUT - film / by Stephanie Puls

With special thanks to guest blogger Jo, who is far from a scaredy cat like me, here's the Cut To The Chase verdict on Get Out...

“What an interesting, unpretentious movie Get Out is. Made on a relative shoestring budget it works on so many levels that a viewing will not disappoint. What starts out as a “meet-the-family” weekend for the main characters, a very appealing interracial dating couple slowly builds step-by-step into an intriguing thriller. Initial first questions (is Rose’s family too good to be true, are they hidden racists, are they just douchebag wannabees) are cleverly crafted to mask the real intent of the movie - what appears to be boringly normal, may not be so “normal” after all. There are some moments of suspenseful shocks, balanced nicely by a wry humour (and some genuinely funny dialogue). It’s not really possible to discuss much else without giving away some major plot surprises, so suffice to say it’s worth a ticket. This reviewer didn’t find it particularly scary, however one of my viewing companions did mention a racing heart and holding of breath. It’s probably somewhere in between.

I would give it a solid 4 out of 5 – and friends keep that teaspoon and willow-pattern teacup away from me........”

In cinemas now. Trailer here.