JACKIE - film / by Stephanie Puls

This biopic stars Natalie Portman as Jackie Kennedy, wife of US President John F Kennedy, in the aftermath of his infamous assassination in the early 1960s.

Portman gives an excellent performance and has been nominated for Best Actress in a Drama in the 2017 Golden Globes for her trouble.

We see a little of their married life as President and First Lady in the film but for most of it Jackie is grieving in the spotlight while trying to console her two young children and define her husband's famous legacy.

This film is getting rave reviews and I can see why but I won't lie to you, dear readers... I got a bit bored. For me, this is one to catch when it comes out on DVD/digital, rather than rushing out to spend your hard earned at the cinema.

Here's a glowing review in Rolling Stone magazine if you'd like to read a bit more on the film.

Trailer here. In cinemas 12 January.