THE NIGHT BEFORE - film / by Cut to the chase


I thought this Christmas comedy movie starring Seth Rogan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony Mackie was really ordinary. 

The storyline (three old school friends have a massive night with much drug taking, hijinx ensues) is just dumb & the characters are all pretty unlikeable. There was certainly a few laughs (more from others in the cinema than me) but nowhere near enough to make me recommend that you shell out $21 to see this. (I swear it wasn't that long ago that movie tickets were $18...)

To give credit where it's due, there was one thing I enjoyed about this film - the fact that Seth Rogan's character's wife was played by an average-size woman. You know, like a 12 or 14 maybe, rather than a rake-thin size 6. Her performance was good.

(I know she's pregnant in that photo!)

Mindy Kaling has a supporting role and I really like her but she wasn't central enough to help me like this film more. Miley Cyrus also makes an unexpected and amusing cameo, I must concede.

This Fairfax review gave it 2.5 stars which is more generous than I would have been and Leigh Paatsch from News Ltd even gave it 3 stars and a pretty glowing review. I AM CONCERNED FOR HIS WELLBEING YOU GUYS THIS IS NOT A THREE STAR FILM.

Anyway, watch the trailer if you want to get the gist of it. But if you see it and you think it's rubbish, don't say I didn't warn you.