SLEEPING WITH OTHER PEOPLE - film / by Cut to the chase

This rom com (or "raunch com" as Variety describes it) featuring Alison Brie and Jason Sudeikis does have some funny lines and moments but ultimately it never gets off the ground to be really great.

Despite an admirable attempt to throw you off the scent, it's a predictable ending. I mean, when you throw two people together who are desperately trying to stay just friends in spite of an attraction the audience sees and even they concede, it's hard not to guess how it ends.

Pleasant enough, but can't say I'd suggest rushing to the cinema and laying down a lobster to see this.

Here's the New York Times' review if you want to know more. I think their view can be summarized as being about the same as mine. 

Trailer here. In cinemas Thursday 29 October.